How To Talk To Girls At Parties

Elle Fanning stars as an alien a long way from home in this 1970s Croydon-set teen romance based on the award-winning short story by Neil Gaiman.
How To Talk To Girls At Parties is the fourth feature from writer-director John Cameron Mitchell. Set at a time when the Sex Pistols were at their peak, wannabe punk Enn (newcomer Alex Sharp) is at a local house party when he falls for the strange but beautiful Zan (Elle Fanning). When Zan and her fellow exchange students turn out to be aliens sent to Earth to prepare for a right of passage, a besotted Enn must call on his punk allies to help save the girl he loves from certain death. Co-starring Nicole Kidman, Matt Lucas and Ruth Wilson, the film has been adapted from Neil Gaiman's short story by Mitchell and Philippa Goslett.


Three Film4 films invited to Cannes Film Festival 2017
Three Film4 backed films have been invited to screen in Official Selection at the 70th Cannes Film Festival, which will take place from May 17th-28th